Book Review
What’s the Big Deal About “Atomic Habits”?

By: Chris Ramsburg
As a regular reader of The Wall Street Journal, I’ve seen the book Atomic Habits by James Clear on its bestsellers book list in the number one position for I don’t know how long. I finally picked up a copy to read recently. As it turned out, it became the top business book I read over the past year. The book is an action packed 264 pages. An interesting note is that the author, James Clear, was born and raised in Ohio. He graduated from Denison University with a degree in biomechanics and was also the captain of the baseball team.
Habits are formed in the back of your mind. Some habits are formed by default, meaning they just happen, OR they are by design, caused by your direct intention. There will come a point in life when you realize you need to change. It might be your routine at work, how you approach individuals, how you go about your morning routine or eating, or just about anything. But if you’ve tried to change, you know it can be difficult. Whether your habits are by default or design, the bigger question is: are they serving you as you would like? If you answer with a “no”, you need to engage in change.
Atomic Habits is designed to help you make the changes needed to create good habits and break bad habits. The book describes the process of a habit—Cues, Cravings, Responses, and Rewards—and goes on to teach you practical, doable ways to design habits that work for you. Okay, here is my BIG takeaway: over time, one tiny change can create amazing improvements. According to the author, if you can become one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done!
Make the decision today to take hold of your habits so they help rather than hinder you. Do so, and you will enjoy more success and happiness.